940. Majority Element


Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than  times.


Input. The first line contains number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100). The second line contains n positive integers.


Output. If the array contains majority element, then print it. Otherwise print -1.


Sample input 1

Sample output 1


3 3 5 4 2 3 3




Sample input 2

Sample output 2


2 3 2 3







Algorithm analysis

Let x be the majority element. We start processing the input numbers. Each number equal to x we shall push onto the stack. When a number not equal to x is received, we shall pop one number from the stack. Then at the end of processing the data, the top of the stack will contain the majority element.

Initially clear the stack. When processing the next element a:

·        If stack is empty, then push(a);

·        If the top of the stack contains number a, then push(a);

·        If the top of the stack contains number other than a, then pop();


If at the end of processing all the numbers in array, the top of the stack contains some number x (if stack is empty, then there is no majority element), then it should be checked if it is a majority element. To do this, count how many times the number x appears in the original array. If x appears more than  times, then the answer is affirmative.


At any time stack contains only one element (possibly multiple times), so let’s simulate the stack with two variables:

·        maj – number in the stack;

·        cnt – number of times the number maj appears in the stack;



Consider the first sample.

At the end of the algorithm the stack contains 3. Let's check if it is a majority element. To do this, we need to count how many times the number 3 appears in the original array. The number 3 appears 4 times in the array of length n = 7. Since 4 > , the number 3 is a majority element.


Algorithm realization

Store the input sequence in array m.


int m[110];


Declare variables maj and cnt to simulate the stack:

·        maj is the number in the stack;

·        cnt is the number of times the number maj is present in the stack;


int maj, cnt;


Read the input data.



for(i = 0; i < n; i++)



Initially set the stack to be empty.


maj = 0; cnt = 0;


Process the input numbers. Simulate the stack.


for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)



If stack is empty (cnt = 0), push m[i] into it.


  if (cnt == 0) {maj = m[i]; cnt++;}


If the current element m[i] matches the top of the stack maj, then push m[i] onto the stack.


  else if (m[i] == maj) cnt++;


Otherwise pop element from the stack.


  else cnt--;



In the variable cnt count how many times the number maj appears in the array m.


cnt = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)

  if (m[i] == maj) cnt++;


If cnt > , then the majority element exists. Otherwise it does not (res will be assigned -1).


if(2 * cnt > n) res = maj; else res = -1;


Print the answer.




Java realization


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

    int n = sc.nextInt();

    int m[] = new int[n];

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)

      m[i] = sc.nextInt();


    int maj = 0, cnt = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)


      if (cnt == 0) {maj = m[i]; cnt++;}

      else if (m[i] == maj) cnt++;

      else cnt--;



    cnt = 0;

    int res;

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)

      if (m[i] == maj) cnt++;

    if(2 * cnt > n) res = maj; else res = -1; // cnt > nums.size() / 2






Python realization

Read the input data.


n = int(input())

m = list(map(int, input().split()))


Declare variables maj and cnt to simulate the stack:

·        maj is the number in the stack;

·        cnt is the number of times the number maj is present in the stack;

Initially set the stack to be empty.


maj = 0

cnt = 0


Process the input numbers. Simulate the stack.


for num in m:


If stack is empty (cnt = 0), push num into it.


  if cnt == 0:

    maj = num

    cnt += 1


If the current element num matches the top of the stack maj, then push num onto the stack.


  elif num == maj:

    cnt += 1


Otherwise pop element from the stack.



    cnt -= 1


In the variable cnt count how many times the number maj appears in the list m.


cnt = 0

for num in m:

  if num == maj: cnt += 1


If cnt > , then the majority element exists. Otherwise it does not (res will be assigned -1).


if 2 * cnt > n: res = maj

else: res = -1


Print the answer.

